There are many other terms associated with laying somewhere in the middle or simply enjoying the occasional cross-dressing. Ultimately not understanding your gender doesn’t mean you’re trans. Many therapists can even point you to other medical professionals if you’re looking to seek HRT or any other transition-related surgeries. Or look for a gender therapist near you to explore your options. Check out this list of trusted professionals here. You do not have to go through your transitioning alone. Not all cis-gendered women have the easiest time with hair, makeup, nails and clothing so why would you expect yourself to be perfect at it overnight? Practice makes perfect. So allow yourself some room for messing up. It takes time to discover who you are and what you like. Just like clothing, transitioning is not a one size fits all. If anything you do scares you or gives you an undesired result, it’s okay to take a step back.
If given the opportunity to give one word of advice to someone considering transitioning it would be: don’t be afraid to try new things.